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A Letter Of Joyful Tidings

            The Dentatics Press Editorial Team,
            The Deputy Editor-in-Chief’s table,
            Labour Ward(thanks to blackout),
            Fourth floor,
            University College Hospital,

The Reader(s),
University of Ibadan Association of Dental Students,
The department of Dentistry,
Faculty of Dentistry,
University College Hospital(or not),
Dear Reader,
            A letter of Joyful Tidings
     It is with great joy that we mint another recruitment process. The journey so far has been quite the educative ordeal, an obstacle course if I might be a bit dramatic. Kidding, I always am dramatic. Anyways, we consider it a big deal here to toot our own horns as often as possible. In the words of a wise former ABH hall warden and Professor of Anatomy, “if you don’t blow your horn, nobody will blow it for you”. Logically far-fetched dirty jokes aside, we agree whole-heartedly with our beloved aforementioned wise man. And so especially before epoch-making events like this impending recruitment, we strut our stuff and give us credit. 
     This letter, dear reader is for you, yes you. While we do want to show off achievements, we are quite concerned that you know about the recruitment. Why? Well, being the superbly talented menagerie of literarily gifted monsters that we are, we realize that, you need us. You, you who never talks with your mouth or speaks for yourself. You who folds in face-to-face conversations like specially crafted origami paper. You who despite your paucity or wealth of eloquence and speaking skills, you still think a pen is something you must explore. You who cries sounds of ink in silent poems on the back pages of forgotten jotters. You, you know yourself. You yearn for the symmetrical, unbounded and unbound freedom that a blank sheet affords you. 
     We write to you, a letter of invitation. We invite you to learn from the unfettered, from the queen of explanatory narratives and the king of educative story writing. We do not ask you for culture or form. We need not your trained hands or tendons crippled by the formats and formulae. We ask for only nuances, pure human, pure you. Forget the punctuation marks and grammatical rules, sure you will need them later. For now, though, we appeal to the urge to write, not the urge to be right. We have decided graciously to extend a hand. We hope to draw you out of solitary obscurity into companioned obscurity. We would love to have you in our midst, in the structuredly chaotic world where writing rules rule a people of no rules. We hope to bring you under the training of the pen too. Just as we have learnt the wonders of the nib and the keyboard, as we have been taught the glory of carefully crafted words, we also hope to let the knowledge diffuse. 
     The cover of this article holds all the information you need to know to take us up on our offer. Do well to go through it. Try not to be too bothered by its stringency or ease. We know, the requirements and conditions are just that easy, almost pointlessly so. What can we say right, we really are just that nice.
      To end this one, I propose a toast, a toast to me and my wonderfully long-winded and sesquipedalian writings. A toast to my wonderful seniors and teachers now gone to watch us from above. To the mavericks who built this press, expert orators and speech writers, poets and story-chefs, playwrights, and the rest of them in their quiet, almost unnoticeable genius called the scrawl o’ the pen. To wonderful leaders, to our great Editor-in-Chief. To the ones with us now, and to the ones we are anticipating. To you, dear reader.
                                               Yours Faithfully,
                                  A frustrated brownite.  

Salami Wisdom

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