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UI SU Congress: Students Want Accommodation Fees Reduced To N24,000

By David Adetula 

The Congress of the University of Ibadan (UI) students met today, both physically at the Kunle Adepeju Student’s Union building inside the university campus, and virtually (Telegram Voice Chat and Twitter Space) to discuss issues ranging from the physical resumption, accommodation, students’ welfare and others. 
The University authority is considering recalling some of its students back to school physically but the date for this resumption is yet to be decided. However, for those who would be resuming physically and accommodated in any of the university hostels, there is a new accommodation plan being considered by the University. 

According to the Student’s Union President, Akeju Olusegun, the accommodation arrangement being considered by the University would see the school hostels occupied at 50 percent capacity, in compliance with the COVID-19 protocols. The categories of students who would be prioritized in this arrangement include Medical students, Nursing students, fresh students, and final year students. The same arrangement puts the accommodation fees at N30,000 for the second semester and perhaps a few weeks left for the first semester to be concluded. 

The student Congress held to discuss whether or not, students should kick against the N30,000 accommodation fee being proposed for just about a semester. 

Following extensive deliberations by attendants, two (2) motions were eventually moved and seconded by attendants, but Congress failed to reach a resolution because it wants more students to participate in the two online polls set up, asking for their votes on those motions.  

1. Do you agree that 100 percent of N30,000 be paid by students as accommodation fees for the remaining period of the 2020/2021 academic session?  
2. Do you agree that 80 percent of N30,000 (N24,000) be paid by students as accommodation fees for the remaining period of the 2020/2021 academic session?  

During the vote, out of the 39 student leaders who were invited to physically participate in the Congress, nine (9) of them supported a 100 percent payment while thirty (30) supported 80 percent payment. As at the time of filing this report, over 440 students had voted on Telegram and another 660 students had voted on Twitter. On Telegram, 85 percent of students want 80 percent payment while 15 percent want 100 percent. On Twitter, 87 percent of students want 80 percent payment while only 13 percent want to pay 100 percent of the proposed fee.  

N:B Not any of the choices reflected in the pictures of the poll above represent our views at the Dentatics Press. They are merely anonymous picks so as to allow us to see the results of the polls

Last session, students who were accommodated in the halls of residence on the UI campus were charged N30,000 per session while medical students who were accommodated in Alexander Brown Hall in the University College Hospital were charged N40,000 per session. The current accommodation fee structure was sustained despite protests by students over a 114 percent increase in the former fees (N14,000) in 2018. The then Vice-Chancellor, Professor Idowu Olayinka argued that the increment was expedient because “the university had been subsidizing the utility bills for electricity, water, general and environmental cleaning from other sources which, unfortunately, are no longer in existence.”  

Midway into today’s Congress, the institution’s Deputy Dean of Students, Dr Demola Lewis sought an audience with the student. After this request was voted to happen, the Deputy Dean advised students that there is no need to fight “unnecessary war” when the students and the university management should be working together to advance the cause of the school. He went further to justify some of the university’s decisions and he also appealed for understanding on the part of the students.  

Also present at the Congress was the Special Assistant to Oyo State Governor on Students’ Affairs, Mr. Olojede Victor. He expressed the support and willingness of the Oyo State government to work with the students.  

A Senate meeting of the University of Ibadan is billed for some time before the end of this week. Among other issues, the Senate is expected to decide on the date students are expected to physically resume back to school and consider the letter submitted to the Acting Vice-Chancellor by the Student’s Union appealing for a review of the newly proposed accommodation fees.

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