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Football is a beautiful game and a sport most Nigerians love. We live and
dream football every day. The love for the game has grown so much that men, who
are football lovers generally assume all other Nigerian men watch football and can’t
imagine that some don’t. Football is fun especially in the face of argument; the
taunts, the teases and the throwing of banters over a cup of Trophy. However, not
everyone derives fun from football. This set of people were once tagged women by
those whose primitive instinct associate football with masculinity. As of today,
however, we have a lot of women who are devoted lovers of football. This makes
one wonder what could be the mystery behind those who don’t love this sport?

The fact is that the love for sports, including football, is a personal and
individual’s choice, and this can vary substantially within both genders. There are several reasons why some might not like football or sports in general.

Firstly, everyone has their personal preference, and not everyone is drawn to
the same activities. Some simply don’t find football appealing or exciting because
they prefer other sports, hobbies or forms of entertainment. For instance, some men
who don't like football might find more enjoyment in basketball, tennis, cricket, or
non-sporting activities like reading, painting, or playing musical instruments.

Another big factor is cultural and social background. Cultural factors can
influence one’s interest in football because not all regions have football as the
dominant sport. Some men came from regions where other sports are more popular and culturally significant. Typical examples of this include the cultural significance of
Cricket in India, Track events in Ethiopia and part of Kenya, Basketball and American
football in the US, and martial arts in several parts of Asia. These sports are more
dominant and better practised in these regions at the expense of other sports like

Furthermore, exposure and knowledge of the game can also be a great
determinant for loving football. Lack of exposure to football and lack of opportunity
to learn about football may hinder the development of interest in the game. Without
knowing the rules, strategies, or history of the game, it can be challenging to
appreciate it fully. A true lover of football is expected to know basic things like
possible fouls, throwing, offside, and other simple terms used for the game, as these
are evidence of your interest in the game.

More over, personal experience can also influence one’s interest in football.
Some individuals may have had negative experiences related to football, such as
being injured, excluded, or bullied, which can impact their perception of the game
and consequently lead to a loss of interest.

Finally, the above stated reasons apply to individuals across both genders. It’s
important to remember that people have unique preferences and interests, and it’s
essential to respect and appreciate the diversity of those choices. Not loving football
doesn’t make any body less of a man or a woman, but unique with their respective choices.


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